Monday, February 19, 2007

Music & Lyrics

Saw the movie "Music & Lyrics" this weekend. If you are a huge fan of 80's music (and I'm a big one)... you'll get a kick out of it. Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore make a great team.


Disgusted Cats said...

I think Hugh Grant is adorable, even if he is a "bad boy", LOL.
I may have to go see this movie.

Kathleen Rietz said...

Ha! I saw this last night. I graduated in the class of 1986, so this movie so made me laugh. Cheezy and cheeky, it was a lot of fun...and I hate 80's music!

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

I really loved the first 5 minutes of that movie...the video was hilarious! And Hugh Grant is a doll!

sadie pink said...

It was worth the admission just to see the opening video. My daughter found it on Youtube and we watched it again!